Friday, December 08, 2006

representational techniques

Chris Ware (Jimmy Corrigan comic book): diagramming of complex relationships between context, situation, scale, zoom and history

mapping topography using shades of the same color scheme, rather than a rainbow-color legend, clear positioning and sizing of words

icons showing different activities in simplified way, using minimal color scheme

the phasing of an action (in this case fertilizing fish eggs) using frames and movement arrows

representational techniques

Cedric Price, the Generator: synthetic diagram of the project's main concept, without over simplifying

exploded axonometric (wired magazine): efficient way of showing a complex organization, by clearly identifying components and their relationships

tschumi's parc de la villette: clearly edited axonometric drawing of project with high contrast in order to show the main point of the concept (grid of folies)

Constant Nieuwenhuys, New Babylon (Situationist): personal style of representing a spatial ambiance, does not have to be an architectural perspective drawing in the beaux-arts sense, can be mixed with other media, collage etc.

Europan 06 submission: composite perspective drawing combining sketch with photo-collage.